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So how come I don't have the dlc? 24/9/2020 For Borderlands 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Looking for a specific save file". Ezzel a letölthető tartalommal az ötödik játszható karakterosztály – a Mechromancer – birtokába juthatsz, amely képes egy Deathtrap nevű pusztító robot megidézésére. Az új osztály mellett a csomag tartalmazza Borderlands 2 Premiere Club Pack-ban található extrákat is: a Gearbox arany fegyvercsomagját, egy aranykulcsot, mellyel ritka tárgyakhoz juthatsz a titkozatos About Borderlands 2 - Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2. A new era of shoot and loot is about to begin.
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Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account. Requires internet connection.
Is there a way to restart/replay the DLC? (PC) < > 正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 21 条留言 . Skeetz Psycho Pack is the new and latest Borderlands 2 DLC.The DLC includes new class, the Psycho class which is named Krieg.Visit my website to download: The official website for information on the award-winning Borderlands series of shooter-looter games, add-on content, and related products. Borderlands 2 Season Pass充满冒险,包括新的活动,新的地点,新的敌人和增加的等级上限。与斯卡利特上尉一起战斗海盗并发现新宝藏,成为托尔格先生史诗般竞技场的冠军,并在哈默洛克爵士的大狩猎中 … Borderlands 2 - Psycho Pack (DLC) [PC] Expresní doručení Aktivační klíč dodáme do 2 minut na Váš email a do účtu v našem eshopu. Doručení probíhá automaticky 24/7 včetně svátků. NOTICE: Requires the base game Borderlands 2 in order to play. Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account. Requires internet connection.
NOTICE: Requires the base game Borderlands 2 in order to play. Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account.
Have any question?? Please ask me through pm. Little Info About The Game Borderlands 2 builds upon the gameplay elements introduced in Borderlands 2 DLC Class Packs Mechromancer Pack - The fifth Borderlands 2 character class (first as DLC). Available for $9.99 USD (800 Microsoft Points). Psycho Pack - The sixth Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2.
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Vergleiche die Preise aller Keyshops und spare beim Kauf eines Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 Game Keys.. Das Ultimative Kammer-Jäger Upgrade Pack 2: DigiStruct Challenge bietet 11 weitere Charaktersteigerungs-Level, neue legendäre Ausrüstung und die anspruchsvolle Map "Angriff auf 10/6/2019 请注意:附加内容,Borderlands®2需要播放。此内容是季票的一部分,将在游戏发布时提供给Borderlands 2 Season Pass购买者。 注意:Borderlands 2的Mac和Linux版本仅提供英语,法语,意大利语,德语和西班牙语版本。 El Pase de temporada de Borderlands 2 está lleno de aventuras, con nuevas campañas, nuevas ubicaciones, nuevos enemigos y un aumento de límite de nivel. Lucha contra los piratas y descubre un nuevo tesoro junto al Capitán Scarlett, conviértete en campeón en el escenario épico del Sr. Torgue y busca nuevos monstruos en Big Ham Hunt de Sir Hammerlock. Borderlands 2 - Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty DLC-13%. £7.99.
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So I've exited and restarted Steam twice now, and started up the game and quit twice as well, still nothing. Get Borderlands 2 For Your XBOX 360, PS3 & PC Here: ***** This Video tutorial will show you how to get Borderlands 2 Game free for your XBOX 360, PS3 & PC. To get this rare free Borderlands 2, You only need to follow the web site mentioned above. Have any question?? Please ask me through pm. Little Info About The Game Borderlands 2 builds upon the gameplay elements introduced in Borderlands 2 DLC Class Packs Mechromancer Pack - The fifth Borderlands 2 character class (first as DLC).
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