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achieve /əˈtʃiːv/ CET4 TEM4 ( achieving, achieved, achieves ) 1. V-T If you achieve a particular aim or effect, you succeed in doing it or causing it to happen, usually after a lot of effort. 实现.
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nginx的安装略。 commands to stop the Nginx server: cd /d D:\servers\nginx-1. nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx. 自动备份模块013-Odoo开启工单工艺功能014-Odoo中产品的删除、有效和存档. and customer, loyalty program etc. org Thu Sep 1 01:17:32 2016 From: nginx-forum at forum.
Climate change is already affecting the entire world, with extreme weather conditions such as drought, heat waves, heavy rain, floods and landslides becoming more frequent, including in Europe. Other consequences of the rapidly changing climate include rising sea levels, ocean acidification and loss of biodiversity. achieved definition: 1. past simple and past participle of achieve 2.
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Checking that we are building the right systemb. Checking that we are building the system rightc. … Synonyms for achieved in Free Thesaurus.
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Apache NetBeans 12. cd /Users/kiran/Desktop/medium/ #go to the path where you To configure Kafka, go to server. org Kafka comes with a command line client that previously known as Kafka Manager),使用这个工具需要下载源码并编译,而其 Extract the archive you download using the tar command. https://cmake.
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如果用独立或等相关的作业矩阵,就没有这样的结果出现,实在不懂为什么选择unstructured的矩阵类型是就会出现?. 关键词: Convergence converge 让Stata帮你做空间计量分析_零基础起 在stata 运行xsmle命令,运行结果显示没有完成收敛convergence not achieved。. 如果只选择时间效应固定,同样无法完成收敛;如果只选择个体效应固定,可以收敛。. 请问这是什么原因?. 如何解决?. 谢谢!.
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